Philippine Traditional Knowledge Digital Library on Health

Justicia gendarussa Burm.f. Print


Family Acanthaceae
Common name: kapinitulot, paritulot (Tag.); malabulak (Tag., Tagb.); bugnan (Tagb.) bunlaw (Bis.); hi-ig (If.); handal-usa (C. Bis.); holingbangon (Sul.); kadpaayan (Ilk.); padil (Ting.)
Local name: panhauli
Indication: For fracture
Plant part used: leaf
Method of Preparation: Scrape bunga bark. Add salt and wrap in banana leaf. Heat over fire. Heat panhauli leaves over fire.
Direction for use: Apply on fractured area. Leave on until the next day. Apply panhauli leaves on fractured area after removing bunga bark.
Additional information: Not provided
Informant: Cabariban C
Place gathered: Samar, San Jose de Buan, Barangay Hiduroma, Gandara Watershed
Gathered by / Date gathered: Luceriano RP
Abstracted by: QuitainA
Date abstracted: Mar-14
Province: Samar Island
