Philippine Traditional Knowledge Digital Library on Health

Mentha sp. Print


Family Lamiaceae
Common name: Not provided
Local name: herba buena
Indication: For pasma
Plant part used: leaf (dried)
Method of Preparation: Chop plant material into small pieces then sun-dry. When already dry, add half a liter of kerosene.
Direction for use: Rub/massage plant materials onto body.
Additional information: Do not take a bath until 3 days after massage. Pasma is manifested by hand tremors, cold perspiration, headache, and fainting. It is caused by exposure to heat followed by exposure to cold.
Informant: Same_ano L
Place gathered: Samar, Calbayog City, Barangay Pinamorotan, Pambujan Watershed
Gathered by / Date gathered: Luceriano RP
Abstracted by: QuitainA
Date abstracted: Mar-14
Province: Samar Island
