Philippine Traditional Knowledge Digital Library on Health

Portulaca oleraceaL. Print


Family Portulacaceae purslane; pourpiers
Common name: Gulasiman (Filipino); Purslane; Little hogweed; Akulikuli-kula; Duckweed; Pursley; Wild portulaca; Garden purslane (English)
Local name: Ngalug (Ilk.)
Indication: kidney trouble
Plant part used: bark
Method of Preparation: Chop bark to produce a handful. Boil in 3 glasses of water to produce 1 glass decoction.
Direction for use: Adolescent/adult/65 yrs. and above: Drink 1 glassful of decoction 3x a day.
Additional information: Not provided
Informant: Indipan; Dorquio (Ilocos Norte; Pariir; ; )
Place gathered: Not provided
Gathered by / Date gathered: Not provided
Abstracted by: Not provided
Date abstracted: Not provided
Province: Ilocos Norte
