Philippine Traditional Knowledge Digital Library on Health

Momordica charantiaL. Print


Family Cucurbitaceae gourds; squashes; citrouilles; gourdes
Common name: Ampalaya (Filipino); Bittergourd; Balsampear (English)
Local name: Parya (Ilk.)
Indication: carminative
Plant part used: leaves
Method of Preparation: Extract the juice from the handful of leaves. Mix juice with egg white and apply as poultice on the stomach.
Direction for use: All ages: as needed.
Additional information: Not provided
Informant: Ablug; Anita (Cagayan; Aparri; Brgy. San Antonio; )
Place gathered: Not provided
Gathered by / Date gathered: Not provided
Abstracted by: Not provided
Date abstracted: Not provided
Province: Cagayan
